Thursday, July 10, 2008

UK: Gordon Brown = Heathcliff?

British PM Gordon Brown, now wallowing in the depths of mass unpopularity and his own crippling charmlessness, states that he is an older, wiser version of . . . the dark, brooding literary hero Heathcliff.

Seriously? Seriously FUNNY.

Poor Emily Brontë.

I can't resist including this wittily nasty response to Brown's self-comparison:
Vince Cable, Liberal Democrat front-bencher and author of the famous “Stalin to Mr Bean” jibe, said: “Heathcliff may be dark and brooding but he is also ruthless and vindictive. He ended his life a broken and tormented man haunted by a ghost. Tony Blair perhaps?”
Oh, snap!

To be honest, I've never really liked Heathcliff. If I had to choose a brooding Brontë hero, I'd pick Rochester from Charlotte's Jane Eyre. (Still, Austen's Mr. Knightley is lovely, and Mr. Darcy beats them all.)

1 comment:

Pat Patterson said...

I thought PM Brown more resembled Joseph, Heathcliff's servant. Joseph was a Geordie which was considered as bad as being a Scot.