Sunday, August 31, 2008

MM in the Kitchen: Carnitas with Salsa Verde + Nerd Journal

This recipe is actually simmering in the kitchen as I type.

I'm very fond of the Mexican/Tex-Mex dish called carnitas, but I just can't find the real stuff up here in Nerdworld Yankeeland. Go figure. So I'm attempting this recipe for the first time. I feel like a mad scientist. I'm also expecting the Cultural Authenticity Police to barge into my apartment and whine that an Asian-American chick has no business cooking up la comida mexicana. If they do, I'll happily embrace my cultural roots and smack 'em over the head with my big wok (authentic enough for ya? huh, punk?). Meanwhile, the smell of pork simmering in salsa verde and chicken stock is just . . . heavenly! There's nothing like dead animal cooking with dead vegetables in dead-animal broth! Mmmmmmm! I guess PETA isn't coming for dinner. More for me!

Meanwhile, I have a DVD of "Burn Notice" on for background noise (thanks, Cine-Sib!), I've been chatting with friends on the phone, and I'm almost done with my latest nerd-paper! Once I'm done, I'll work on my summer movie retrospective for tomorrow as my little Labor Day gift to you. Nerd Lords seem to be worlds away. No Nerd Lords until Tuesday. Ah, life on this holiday weekend is GOOD.

Mad Minerva, out.

UPDATE: The carnitas turned out to be a smashing success. Try that recipe at once! YUM.


Anonymous said...

"the smell of pork simmering in salsa verde and chicken stock ..."

How COULD you, you evil, mad, MAD woman! I'm stuck up here in Yankee nerdland w/ nothing in the pantry to make anything like that!!! I'll bet you show up in Dante's Inferno, which circle is it? What did I do to be tortured like this!??


Mad Minerva said...

Tee-hee! It's actually a pretty easy recipe, so you oughta try it sometime.

You know, I did take a "What Level of Dante's Inferno" quiz a while back, and I ended up in the Eighth Circle (the Malicious). So I guess I'm pretty darn evil! ;-)

Noted over at my fossil-old previous blog:

Anonymous said...

Well, that's a hell of a test! (Pun fully intended.)

How did you end up in the 8th Circle? I'd like to see your answers ... but, um, you don't need to see mine, of course.

As for me, I'm such a disappointment. Only the First Circle, among the philosophers and virtuous pagans. At least now I'll get to punch Aristotle in the face. Unless that would get me sent to a lower circle, of course. Maybe I should retake it; hard to believe I only make it down to the First Circle.

Oh, and I meant you must be one of the tormenters in the Inferno, not the residents.

Michael said...
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Mad Minerva said...

At least now I'll get to punch Aristotle in the face.

Now THAT is awesomely awesome.