Thursday, August 28, 2008

MSNBC Schooled by 11-Year-Old Reporter

Out of the mouths of babes . . . An 11-year-old reporter reminds MSNBC that objectivity is the heart of honest journalism. Quote:
I try to stay objective through all my work. I try to do my best not to keep a political opinion, because as a journalist I always try to balance it out with what is on the other side.

AWESOME. That means that a smart 11-year-old has a better grasp of journalistic standards than half the clowns currently yapping on the MSM. (OK, admittedly, putting the beatdown on a shabby, half-disreputable outfit like MSNBC isn't that hard -- a child could do it! -- but still, I'm grinning with malevolent glee.)

More here. Buy that kid a cupcake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My, how sweet, how naive. Of course, as real journalists, we understand there is no such thing as objectivity. Every story is told through a subjective narrative, so it might as well be OUR subjective narrative ...