Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nerdworld Soundtrack, Bailout/Financial Apocalypse Edition, Part 3: Alanis and/or Seal

Never let it be said that MM faced GLOBALFINANCIALDOOMSDAY!!!! without her usual sense of humor (admittedly, the humor now has taken on a distinct edge).

Add this to the Nerdworld Soundtrack, Financial Apocalypse edition: "Crazy." You can choose Seal's version or Alanis Morrisette's!

Previous tracks in my list of Music for Money Madness were:

Crank up the volume and start hoarding your pennies in the freezer. Also, feel free to suggest more appropriate tunes in Comments.


Marian said...

My suggestion for part 4 of this serial (from the Mad Minerva archives):

Fabulous Grad Student Humor: Singing about Finance!. I think, Dean Glenn Hubbard is a very happy man right now as compared to Ben Bernanke. But the song is still gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Whenever you say "Apocalypse" I think "Flight of the Valkyries." It would probably be less apocalyptic without the choppers, rockets, and door guns, though. On the other hand, what stirring music to watch the collapse of an economy with! "I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like government regulation." Er, or something like that.

Mad Minerva said...

Smells like Nirvana! Oops, wrong reference!

Anonymous said...

Smells like Congressional spirit, maybe?