Thursday, March 05, 2009

Movie Preview: "Watchmen"

This post is for La Parisienne, who wickedly sent me a copy of Watchmen as a deadly distraction from my nerdwork! (No, I'd never read it before. I'm just not really into comic books -- er, I mean, graphic novels.)

Anyway, that evil minx Parisienne is also headed to a midnight showing of the flick tonight. I'm going to try to go tomorrow or Saturday. The Cinema-Mad Sibling, on the other side of the country, will be heading to the movie theater too. We're not crazed "Watchmen fans," but we ARE inveterate pop culture mavens. (Besides, I'm going to scream if I write another footnote for my latest nerd-paper. I need a break!)

Actually, this post is for the Cine-Sib too, since I asked him if he preferred the older or younger Silk Spectre, and he just laughed.

Here's hoping the movie is good! (At least Kyle Smith seems to think so.) Here is the official movie website.

So! For my peeps and for every grad student peon in the world who's been awake and working at all hours of the night, here is a sentiment we can all identify with:

UPDATE: La Parisienne sent her movie review via text message (time-stamped 4 AM): it's a good flick! Yep, she was out at 3 AM . . . though going to the movies isn't (arguably) something stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Off to see it right now ... fingers crossed. The mixed reviews give me hope. Sometimes the best movies alienate a good half of the audience.