Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Best Movie Review I've Ever Seen: "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace"

OK, my total contempt for the Star Wars prequel movies is a matter of public record. Then yesterday I found this unbelievably awesome link at one of movie news sites that I often visit. It is simply amazing. You've got to watch this thing. It is a peerless confection of movie clips and incisive commentary. The reviewer has done a fantastic job, and there's a bonus: the faux-idiot persona he assumes while narrating. The end result is hilarious and brilliant. (Some language warning.)

I give you a taste of it with Part 1 (of 7). Go especially to about the 6:46 mark.

I leave you with just one example of the magnificent verbal venom of the review as a whole. From the beginning of Part 2: "It's almost mind-boggling how complex the awfulness is."

I haven't had this much fun with "Star Wars" since this gloriously mangled retelling of the original.

Note: the reviewer also has an entire series of video reviews of the Next Generation "Star Trek" movies, and they are well worth your time. I watched a bunch of them late last night (instead of working on my research, natch) and laughed until I almost cried.

UPDATE: OK, I can't help myself. You have GOT to see this part of the review. Go to 6:30 onward for the best critique of action-versus-substance that I've ever seen. Bravo!

"Light saber duels have less to do with the fight itself, and but more so with the internalization of the characters."


lp said...

So, I wasted time watching all of the reviews instead of working. Mission accomplished.

Mad Minerva said...

Evil Enablers of the world, unite!

cathy said...

Presenting viewers' attempts to describe the characters was brilliant.

So now, of course, I have to watch all the rest.

I don't have time to watch all the rest!

Damn clever people!