Monday, January 18, 2010

Nerd News: "New York Times" Asks Why So Many Professors Are Liberals

Heh. You can also apply this to grad students too in some degree?

OK, well, maybe the increasingly-moribund paper should also wonder why conservative or libertarian academics go underground too. (Um, HELLO, we're here, and we exist, but nobody seems to care except to use it as some kind of silly talking point -- and I'm talking about conservative as well as liberal talking heads here.) Have you seen how leftist academic ideologues treat anybody they don't like? I mean, seriously, if I declare myself to be what I actually am, I might as well be painting a target on my forehead.

To answer the NYT's question: Why did I go into academia? Because I think education is important, and I want to teach the subjects that I love. I had NO IDEA that higher education was such a cesspool. Apparently the only thing that doesn't occur here is actual teaching of things that matter.

UPDATE: The snarky Greg Gutfeld chimes in.

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