Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nerd Journal: Massive Snow At Nerdworld

If DC, Maryland, and Philly recently got Snowmageddon/Snowpocalypse, then the entire East Coast and Nerdworld are now getting a snowicane. Yep, snowstorm + hurricane -- a massive Nor'easter complete with winds over 70 mph. Yikes! The meteorologists are all talking about paralyzing conditions and blinding snowfall. Here's more on the snowicane.

"That's not a snowpocalypse; this is a snowpocalypse."

Will Nerdworld cancel classes? I HOPE SO!! I already went out to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up, so my cupboard and fridge are nice and full in case I get "snowed in." Basically in the middle of this crazy weather, I am not venturing out of my apartment if I can possibly help it! (Who knows? I might actually get some work done! Or, maybe, I'll just watch the disgustingly cute Shiba Inu puppy cam and watch more weird winter sports!)

The snow is beginning to fall -- and FAST too.

As long as the electricity and the heat and the Internet stay on, I'll be OK!

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