Friday, September 23, 2011

Predictable Ahmadinejad Antics at the UN

I've never had much respect for the UN, and I obviously think it's ludicrous to give a spotlight and soapbox to this odious, hateful, morally repugnant little man.  The only decent thing to do is what disgusted diplomats from the US, UK, France, Germany, and other nations did: leave.

Oh, don't fret, Mahmoud.  Columbia University still wuvs you.


Eric said...

I'm a Columbia grad. I know how it looks, but I still support Ahmadinejad coming to speak at Columbia.

One, Columbians have used well the two opportunities to express negative views about him.

Two, I'm also a former Army intel soldier who believes a live up-close assessment of the competition helps develop critical insight. The basic purpose of the university is for students to train and learn in preparation for adult life and careers. Columbia has the largest population of student-veterans of any Ivy League school (I believe 400+ by now). Even setting aside Columbia's decision in the Spring to restore ROTC to campus, Columbia has ROTC cadets, Marine officer candidates, and other future military officers, many current reserve officers in the grad schools, as well as many future diplomats and other government officials in the student ranks. Having Ahmadinejad at Columbia offers a special opportunity for the Columbians who will be on Team America to study the enemy up close.

Mad Minerva said...

Thanks for your input, Eric!

I wonder, though, is it not possible to offset Ahmadinejad's visit with a lecture from an Iranian dissident so that it is very clearly a presentation of two viewpoints?

By the way, it's fine news that the ROTC is coming back.