Saturday, January 21, 2012

Movie Critique: "Mission: Impossible-Verdana Font"

I really liked "Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol."  So did a typographer named Matthew Butterick, who wrote a letter to director Brad Bird to lodge a complaint not about the plot but about the font.  That's a guy passionate about his fonts!


Tom said...

I like this letter. It's well written, takes a proper tone, and makes it's points well and succinctly. My one complaint is that he ends it with a period. Even rhetorical questions need a question mark, don't they?

Mad Minerva said...

Yep, that was the one fly in the ointment. I really wanted to correct that period and turn it into a question mark!

Tom said...

You know, writing that required a signed confession that I'm as nerdy as the font fellow.

Mad Minerva said...

Wear your nerdhood proudly! I do. ;-)