Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hitchens versus Williams on UK Sharia

Christopher Hitchens versus Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Hitchens can be an abrasive, self-important lout, but -- in all honesty -- Williams' recent fatuous (and dangerous) comments about sharia law probably deserve a heaping helping of Hitchens' verbal hell.

I haven't had time to blog and link about this latest flap in the UK, but suffice it to say, even the Queen is now involved.

My quick comment: one of the fundamental features of a truly free society is one law for all.

UPDATE: The humorists at Iowahawk have created something that Chaucer would love, I think! And of course, remember that Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog, for all you fans of the brilliant and humorous 14th-century English poet.

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