Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Beijing Olympic Watch: Torches, Protests, and Quote of the Day

Well, by now you've heard all about the protests hounding the Olympic torch, so I won't weary you with more. London, Paris, San Francisco -- the torch relay may be abandoned, though China is against it.

The response from China to its massive global PR disaster is both pathetic and offensive. It boils down to "we condemn everyone who condemns China." Nuanced bit of international relations, that. Pffffft.

The responses from the spineless IOC have been . . . Well, I won't waste your time and mine with the IOC!

The quote of the day (or yesterday, as it were) on the Chinese PR debacle might be this, from a British MP who tabled a motion in the House of Commons recently:
"This House, remembering that those nations attending the 1936 Olympic Games in Nazi Germany believed that by participating in the Games the Hitler regime would be civilised, calls upon the Government and individual competitors in the 2008 Olympics in China to begin thinking how they will prevent a 1936 replay with a totalitarian state again using the Games for their own propaganda purposes."
"...a totalitarian state again using the Games for their own propaganda purposes"? Ouch! And deservedly so. What else are the Beijing Games but Beijing politics writ large?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Probably more like 1980 - the Moscow Olympics, which was bad enough.

I wouldn't put the Chinese up there with Hitler though that might be hindsight.

Even so it's refreshing (and surprising) to see global activists bang on about a country other than Uncle Sam - I thought they had lost the ability to see injustice s not perpetrated by the US....