Sunday, May 25, 2008

Preview of Movie Review: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

Very quickly now, since I'm about to fall asleep simply sitting here!

I just saw a very late showing of the fourth Indiana Jones movie, and my first impressions were:
  • At least it didn't suck the way I feared it would
  • But neither did it rock the way I hoped it would
  • The plot seemed both too farfetched and too predictable
  • It also seemed to run too long and yet leave me unsatisfied and wanting more
  • Not nearly enough chemistry between Harrison Ford and Karen Allen
  • The opening of the film was blah, utterly blah.
  • What was the Ray Winstone character good for, anyway?
  • Cate Blanchett's Russian accent is ridiculous. In fact, her entire character is too.
  • I never really felt engaged with the film, the plot, or the characters. Not really.
  • Two of my favorite movie reviewers (Libertas and Kyle Smith) both panned the film . . .
  • I'm beginning to think that my money should have gone for a viewing of the Prince Caspian film or, heck, go another round with Tony Stark because I just GOTTA see that robo-suit again.
  • If you really want real Indiana Jones magic, go get the DVD of the glorious "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." Now THAT'S the Indy we want, full of punch, energy, wonder, danger, adventure, and fantasy.
PS: It's past midnight and now officially May 25, so a very happy birthday to my fellow movie fan, the Cinema-Mad Sibling!

1 comment:

Pat Patterson said...

I'd recommend In Bruges, the story of two Irish hitmen semi-exiled to Bruges, while waiting to be recalled or forgiven. And its got Brendan Gleeson, Menalaus of Troy and Reynald in Kingdom of Heaven.