Thursday, October 29, 2009

Eco-Guilt Trip of the Day: Hot Showers

I am really, reeeeeeeeeeeally sick and tired of eco-fanatics wanting me to feel guilty for living my life. I'm even more tired of them telling me how to live my life.

Listen, if I really did live my life the way they wanted me to, it wouldn't be a life worth living, and I might as well lemming myself off a cliff and put myself out of my misery. Then it'd be one less human being tormenting Gaia with her carbon footprint ... Hey, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute!

Anyway, the latest eco-guilt trip is hot showers. I'm totally not listening. NOBODY is going to tell me how to take a shower, for Pete's sake. It's almost winter here in Nerdworld. What kind of nutcase takes cold showers in the winter? I pay for my utility and water bills, and that means I pay for my hot showers. SO BACK OFF.

Hey, eco-fanatics! Here's a wee message:

"Get out of my shower!"

Eco-fanatics: even scarier than Norman Bates.


lumpy said...

Hey! They can have my hot showers when they turn them off my warm wet corpse!!

Mad Minerva said...

LOL! And is there ANY aspect of life that an eco-fanatic doesn't want to poke his/her nose into and interfere with?