Thursday, February 25, 2010

Somewhere Between Vegetarians and Carnivores, There Is the Kangatarian

REALLY? Apparently these folks are also called "vegeroos."

Huh. It sounds a lot to me like some veggie-phages got sick of salads and wanted lovely, juicy, bloody animal carcass smelling of heavenly smoke on the grill, but also wanted to keep the moral superiority and therapeutic self-soothing preening of being veggie-phages. So! Kangaroo -- it's the ethical meat if (in the argument of really hard-core militant veggies) you're still a heartless degenerate Neanderthal who wants to murder and ingest cute little furry critters.

And no, I've never had 'roo meat. And yes, I'd try it if I had a chance!

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