Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Peter Singer Strikes Again

I've made no bones about my dislike for Princeton philosopher Peter Singer. Check out his latest soapbox in the New York Times. The title says it all: "Should This Be the Last Generation?"

It contains little gems like this:
And is the continuance of our species justifiable in the face of our knowledge that it will certainly bring suffering to innocent future human beings?

You know what? If you want to stop living, go right ahead. Go on into the night while congratulating yourself on your own enlightenment as you embrace the oblivion! But I will keep on fighting.

If this sort of tripe counts as philosophy, then I'm with Romeo: "Hang up philosophy!"

UPDATE: Lileks 1, Singer 0. (Via Transterrestrial Musings, who also says to Singer, "You first, Pete.")

1 comment:

Brian J. Dunn said...

Singer assumes that because the world would be better off without HIM, that the same logic applies to everyone else.

Philosopher, heel thyself, eh?