Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hating on "Twilight" in Delicious Detail

The Kamikaze Editor sent me the link to a website called Reasoning with Vampires, and I have been amusing myself with it for days.  Some enterprising, dedicated hater of "Twilight" has gone to great lengths to dissect and disassemble it.  You knew the book sucked, but you may not have ever fully appreciated the sheer magnitude of its awfulness.  In some ways, this is the literary version of the magnificent video beatdowns of the Star Wars prequels.  Our hater scans in an actual bit of the book and then adds her own observations.  The result is often brilliant and always entertaining.  Here, let me give you an example.  Click to enlarge.

OK, OK, this verbal assault on author Stephenie Meyer made me laugh out loud.  I must, though, note that probably legions of staphylococcus bacteria are furious at being compared to Meyer and will lodge a complaint and possibly file a lawsuit.

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