Sunday, September 27, 2009

France's Sarkozy on Iran and North Korea

France's president has some home truths to deliver to Obama about rogue states with nuclear ambitions. Here is a piece of it (my emphasis in bold italics):
And President Obama has even said, “I dream of a world without [nuclear weapons].” Yet before our very eyes, two countries are currently doing the exact opposite. Since 2005, Iran has violated five Security Council resolutions. Since 2005, Secretary-General, the international community has called on Iran to engage in dialogue. An offer of dialogue was made in 2005, an offer of dialogue was made in 2006, an offer of dialogue was made in 2007, an offer of dialogue was made in 2008, and another one was made in 2009. President Obama, I support the Americans’ outstretched hand. But what did the international community gain from these offers of dialogue? Nothing. More enriched uranium, more centrifuges, and on top of that, a statement by Iranian leaders proposing to wipe a UN member State off the map.

What are we doing? What conclusions are we drawing? There comes a time when facts are stubborn and decisions must be made.
"Facts are stubborn"! The man is paraphrasing John Adams. I'm beginning to like Sarko ... a LOT. Read the whole thing.

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