Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Good Irish Wake for "The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien"

For the Cine-Sib and everyone else who missed Conan O'Brien's last night as host of "The Tonight Show." Here's the video; it was a great hour. So this is how it ends, not with a whimper but a bang -- and a hilarious performance of (yes) "Freebird."

I have to say, though,that my favorite riff on the late-night war is by the underappreciated Jimmy Kimmel, who presented the mess as a mock documentary in the same style as the famous Ken Burns documentary on the Civil War. Check out this glorious parody:

Meanwhile, David Letterman (who had his own late-night war with Leno and "The Tonight Show" some years ago) continues to ladle mockery.

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