Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nerd Analysis: Thoughts on History and Ideologies

Here's an interesting piece by Michael Zantovsky, colleague of Vaclav Havel and the Czech ambassador to the UK (and previously to the US and Israel). Here is a blurb:
There is no manifest destiny for mankind, no end point, no true ideology, and no salvation on this earth. Civilizations come and go, idols rise and fall, people are born and they die only to make room for later generations. Freedom, for which liberal democracy is a conduit rather than the other way round, can never be assured of its final victory, can never be taken for granted. Its enemies, among which the most insidious reside inside rather than outside us, will always threaten it. Ideologies are the props of history, not the moving forces behind it and certainly not the actors. These are the people. In fact, by trying to channel history into the boundaries of their dogmas and prejudices, ideologies more often hinder history than propel it forward. It is simply not the case, as Hegel thought, that “spirit . . . determines history absolutely, and it stands firm against the chance occurrences which it dominates and exploits for its own purpose.” History, to borrow a phrase from Adam Ferguson, is not a product of human design but of human action. The end of history is the death of the last man.
Um ... Take that, Francis Fukuyama!


lumpy said...

Rockin. I think I even agree. Certainly with the death of history only coming with the death of the last human being. (Hey, job security! Plus, he's right. Of course.)

Mad Minerva said...

The point about freedom and liberal democracy is especially "rockin." What's that fab old quotation... "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

Oooo, and I guess I should throw a bone to the feministas and say that the end of history comes also with the death of the last woman, heh.