But even in the middle of all the fun and music (AC/DC!) , something happened that happens a lot in entertainment, but I still find it annoying. It bursts the bubble. Randomly, in the middle of the scene, the script writers took a gratuitous potshot at Sarah Palin and basically called her stupid. *Sigh.*
I love movies and TV and pop culture and entertainment and all that. But I am really getting tired of seeing them be a stage for unnecessary cheap shots. Everyone knows that the entertainment industry is famously hostile to conservatives and Republicans, but really? Can't they stop their personal political snarkiness and soapboxing for an hour? Don't they realize (or care) that gratuitously belittling conservatives/Republicans in the viewing audience isn't nice? Half the country is center-right.
Oh, well. "Glee" is back. Bring on the music! And isn't Finn (played by Canadian actor Cory Monteith) simply adorable in an apple-pie sort of way? Seriously, look at those DIMPLES! SQUEEEEEE!

Music hath charms ...
UPDATE: Is there an echo in the room? I just said that. At least I'm not the only one who's annoyed.
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