Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life Imitates Satire: Terry Pratchett Slams Doctor Who As "Ludicrous"

Pot, meet kettle!

Pratchett's comic fantasy novels of Discworld are quirky, hilarious, and absurdist. I wouldn't say, though, that a world that's flat and balanced on the backs of four elephants standing on a giant cosmic turtle was anything other than conceptually ... what's that word? Oh yes ... ludicrous. But it's not any the less FUN. (Who doesn't get a giggle from merely saying the names "Death and Binky"?)

Oh, well. There's no accounting for taste -- though I find it darn amusing that Pratchett's still watching "Doctor Who" even as he's slamming it.

OK, so maybe the hair is a LITTLE ludicrous.
(But the Doctor himself remains fantastic!)

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