Saturday, May 15, 2010

Movie Review: the Cine-Sib Reviews "Iron Man 2"

The Cinema-Mad Sibling recently went to see "Iron Man 2" and then dashed off a review, complete with haiku:
Iron Man 2 pales in comparison to 2008's pitch-perfect origin story, egregiously eschewing brevity and pace for bloated exposition, opting for plot/character developments that seemingly stifle narrative flow, but does fully expand on the universe created before it, incorporating more Avengers storyline, amping up the sensory overload and culminating in a bravura-directed action showdown finale worth the admission.

Bigger not better
Longer not better
Favreau, edit it!

Talked too much at first
Should have opened with action
Blame it on the script

Rhodie, what happened?
Did you get plastic surgery?
Re-casting is dumb

Captain America!
Stay for Thor's Hammer!
War Machine spinoff!
It's basically what I was afraid of: that would not rise to the heights of its glorious original. In a way I suppose it's inevitable, since a sequel just can't possibly contain the same thrill of discovery. I'm still going to see it anyway, though -- that and "Robin Hood."

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