Sunday, May 09, 2010

Nerd Journal: "This isn't going to be big on dignity." + Nerdworld Soundtrack

It's still Exam Apocalypse on campus, and everything is madness. There are only a few things that are getting me through this catastrophe, and they include, in no particular order, Netflix, coffee, Shakespeare, science fiction, chocolate, text messages, social media, and a ludicrous sense of humor.

As the Eleventh Doctor recently said, "This isn't going to be big on dignity." It's such a brilliant statement that I slapped it on my blog header, because it's TRUE. During exam time, dignity is the first thing to go, swiftly followed by sleep, sanity, and any attempt at fashion. (And yes, I realize the the elevation of a Doctor quote also means the demotion of a Dean Winchester quote. But, let's be honest, right now "Doctor Who" is running circles around "Supernatural.")

Anyway, I figure that since there's no dignity left, I might as well just post up something that's been amusing me lately -- a hilarious combination of a cheesy old 1980s love song now done by the folks from that great TV musical-comedy "Glee." I'll even dedicate it to the object of my cohort of friends' and my nerdy affection. We're all madly in love with the Tenth Doctor, embodied with wit and charm by unexpectedly adorable Scotsman David Tennant. And no, we are not fangirls. We are fanladies.

Well, none of us had set out to fall in love -- it just kind of happened. So here it goes, the "Glee" version of Bonnie Tyler!

Oh, laugh if you want to. Go on! I'm laughing too.


lp said...

Wow! Dean has been dethroned. All hail the Doctor.

Mad Minerva said...

Dean is still lovely, lovely eye candy. But the Eleventh Doctor is the man of the hour, and the Tenth Doctor, well ... Show me a man who's both lovely eye candy AND a Shakespearean actor? That's it!