Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Geek News: Back to the Future -- New Research Imitates Science Fiction

Here's a bit from the news story:
Tollaksen’s group is looking into the notion that time might flow backward, allowing the future to influence the past. By extension, the universe might have a destiny that reaches back and conspires with the past to bring the present into view. On a cosmic scale, this idea could help explain how life arose in the universe against tremendous odds. On a personal scale, it may make us question whether fate is pulling us forward and whether we have free will.
Jeff Tollaksen is Associate Professor of Physics at Chapman University.

The whole thing reminds me of a hilarious exchange from "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" a long time ago: "You mean that I could be my own grandfather?" "Didn't you learn this in elementary temporal mechanics?" It also inflames my already-blazing addiction to a certain time traveler's adventures.

Anyway, Tollaksen's ideas are fascinating, but I'm pretty sure that cosmic "destiny" or quantum "fate" is a heck of a thing to posit and propose. I mean, really? (Meanwhile, everyone who knows Greek tragedy is probably giggling. Oedipus, call your office!)

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