Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Fresh Hell Is This? -- Star Wars Prequels To Be Re-Released in 3D

All I have to do is say the following terrifying sentence: "The Phantom Menace remastered in post-converted 3D may hit theaters by February 2012."   NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!   

For goodness sakes, don't go re-watch that pile of space debris and encourage that shameless hack George Lucas to further desecrations.  Remember this epic beatdown of "The Phantom Menace" and recall just how truly awful that flick was.  Plus, imagine the utter bone-chilling horror of JAR-JAR BINKS IN 3D.  I'm sure that's a human rights violation.  I wouldn't wish a 3-D Jar-Jar on my worst enemy.  (I might be evil, but I have standards.)


cathy said...

Just checked out the "epic beatdown" -- wonderful!

Michael Turton said...

how can i sleep after learning this news?