Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Quote of the Day: The Laughter and Lessons of Weinergate

Here's a little lighthearted commentary with a serious underpinning:
There's nothing wrong with enjoying a good old-fashioned political sex scandal. They're entertaining, and they may even be edifying—reminding us that self-styled "public servants" are often less responsible, more venal, and just plain dumber than those they seek to rule. 
... Not only are political sex scandals great fun, they serve an important social purpose. They remind us that we should think twice before we cede more power to these clowns.
Hey, didn't I just say something like this? Knock our hubris-ridden, self-absorbed would-be overlords down a peg or two!  Besides, Icarus and Phaethon themselves are laughing at Weiner's underwear-tweeting.  Hey, can we call that "junk mail"?  *rimshot!*


Brian J. Dunn said...


I'm kicking myself for not thinking of "junk mail."

cathy said...

Junk Mail.

You. are. magnificent.