Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Blogs For Women Are ... Bad For Women

Well, DUH.  Read the whole thing.  I never read "women's blogs."  (I love recipe blogs, but that's not the same thing.)  Here's a bit of it, by the way:
If blogs for women existed in the real world, rather than a virtual one, what would they look like? Giant pink bubbles in which women floated through life, peering through the see-through pink walls at the big, bad confusing world out there in which men exist, things are complex, and not everything has to do with whether or not you have a pair of ovaries. 
You don’t learn how to live in the world by withdrawing from it. You learn how to deal with the world by living in it. You don’t become empowered by talking about how disempowered you are. You become empowered by getting over whatever gender your parents’ biological sperm-and-egg cocktail gave you and getting on with it already. 

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