Thursday, January 19, 2012

Anti-SOPA/PIPA Protests Are Having An Effect

GOOD.  Here's more as Senators start abandoning their support of the anti-piracy bills.  Keep on voicing your opposition to SOPA and PIPA!  I'll tell you what -- I had never written to my Congresspeople before this, but SOPA and PIPA so enraged me that I did.  It's worth getting stupid campaign spam from the Congressdorks in the future if I could tell them right now in no uncertain terms what I thought of SOPA, PIPA, and their support for these crapulous, noxious bills.  

UPDATE 1:  Senate websites are crashing due to overwhelming emails.  Check out some cool screenshots of protesting websites.  On a related note, here is one opinion on how things even got to this point.  Hmmm.

UPDATE 2:  See what Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), a SOPA/PIPA opponent, has to say.  You'll recall Representative Jared Polis (D-Colorado), the gamer.

UPDATE 3: Check out this hilarious response to the SOPA protest by Representative Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) posted on the Congressman's official YouTube channel. Kudos, sir, for not only grasping the issue but having a sense of humor too:

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