Thursday, February 14, 2008

Obligatory Valentine's Day Post About Relationships

Well, I lied. This isn't really about relationships per se as much it's about people saying extremely idiotic things about other people and relationships.

Take a look at this abysmally ludicrous piece. On second thought, don't. Why would you want to clutter up your perfectly lucid brain with this tripe? One blurb should be enough to give you a taste:
. . . every woman I know — no matter how successful and ambitious, how financially and emotionally secure — feels panic, occasionally coupled with desperation, if she hits 30 and finds herself unmarried.

Oh, I know — I’m guessing there are single 30-year-old women reading this right now who will be writing letters to say that the women I know aren’t widely representative, that I’ve been co-opted by the cult of the feminist backlash, and basically, that I have no idea what I’m talking about. And all I can say is, if you say you’re not worried, either you’re in denial or you’re lying. In fact, take a good look in the mirror and try to convince yourself that you’re not worried, because you’ll see how silly your face looks when you’re being disingenuous.

Oh, yeah? Sorry, but I'm unmarried and I'm looking at the big 3-0, and I'm not panicking or depressed or any of that. I'm also not in denial. The writer of this article is acting like an idiot (and an arrogant one too) if she thinks she can speak for all unmarried women everywhere. Just who does she think she is? Pffffft. I don't need some moron speaking for me, no matter how she thinks she can be the all-knowing mouthpiece of Woman. I will speak for myself, thanks. Isn't this kind of individual freedom the real point for "women's liberation"?

Now I thought about posting a rant in response, but then I found that the lovely Rachel Lucas has already done so, and she is in fine form.


I'll tell you what: things like that stupid MSNBC piece are all the proof you need that some women can be completely asinine too.

UPDATE: A new survey says that 55% of single people are not actively looking for a partner. You know, some single people are happy being single. Some of us are happy as we are and don't feel the need to hunt for a mate as though our entire existence depends on not being single. Chew on THAT, Lori Gottlieb of MSNBC!

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