Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Golden Eagles Are A Girl's Best Friend

Diamonds, schmiamonds!


lumpy said...

Great article & photos! I've been a fan of falconry since childhood; how I wish I could have done this!

Thanks for posting it!

Mad Minerva said...

I've never wanted to cuddle a raptor as much as I did when I saw those photos!

Anonymous said...

Eagles are cool. Had some bald eagles follow me around the lake the other day while fishing. Maybe they were jealous of my fish? I don't know but it was cool to share their company.

At the end of the day they were in the trees by the parking lot. It was nice to get one last look at them before packing up and heading home. But to my surprise, they left me a present on the windshield. You ever seen eagle poop? It isn't small...

- wodun