Monday, April 20, 2009

Nerd News: French and Israeli Students Versus Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

French students just took on Iran's Ahmadinejad at the UN's Durban II racism summit (a disgraceful event I won't even dignify with a description). Here's a quote from one of the students:
"We wanted to do something meaningful, and we took advantage of Ahmadinejad's speech. We dressed as clowns because we wanted to show that his speech and the entire conference is a joke. We were very happy that so many people walked out afterwards."
OK, since three instances of anything makes a trend or pattern, I'm now calling a trend of feisty student action in 2009. You can refresh your memory with instance #1 and instance #2. (The silly NYU cafeteria stunt does NOT count.)

Score thus far: Feisty Independent Students 3, World-Class Jerks 0.

UPDATE: Video!

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