Thursday, August 06, 2009

Apocalypse Now: Choose Your American Doomsday Scenario!

You know, these days apparently everything is a potential apocalypse. When I created the completely snarky "I got your apocalypse right here" blog tag, I was KIDDING. But it's been getting a lot of mileage. Everyone and their grandma is busy concocting doomsday scenarios. Geez, you'd think this were the superstitious Middle Ages or something.

Here's more apocalyptic humor. Let's have some fun with the fearmongering, shall we? CHOOSE YOUR OWN DOOMSDAY SCENARIO!

Go straight to the interactive feature.

Well, well, well. Armageddon's never been so . . . er, entertaining? My personal favorite "we're all going to die" scenarios are alien invasion, robot overlords, and -- of course -- asteroid impact. I didn't see zombies as an option, though. Did you? It is NOT a real apocalypse conversation unless there are zombies, dang it!

By the way, I actually purchased this book (and lent it to La Parisienne). It's absolutely hilarious. Who doesn't need a field guide for the end of the world?

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