Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Nerd News: Unemployed College Graduate Sues School for Tuition

I can't make this stuff up if I tried. Basically:

~Student graduates from university.
~Student cannot get a job.

Wow, the logic is just impeccable. *MM drips sarcasm all over her laptop.*

OK, we all know it's a tough job market for the graduating class of 2009, but this story is just plain crazy. Universities almost all have career counseling services, but that's not the same thing as guaranteeing employment for new alumni. Nobody can guarantee that, and not all the wailing from the student ("My school didn't do enough to help meeee!") can change that. Hey, here's a thought: what about helping yourself too? Here's another thought: what potential employer will want to hire you now, after this public temper tantrum? If I were an employer, I would have serious doubts about hiring a person like this.

Also, there is such a thing as a real-life job market that is affected by real-life factors such as unemployment rates, recessions, and so forth. Surprise! Welcome to reality!

Lesson of the Day: THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN LIFE. Grow up.

(On the plus side, maybe this will wake educators up from their silly habit of teaching people to feel entitled to things. Mwahahaha!)


Marian said...

Who wouldn't hire a 2.7 GPA (B- average) from the renowned Monroe College? Especially when those credentials include the attitude of someone who would sue her college. [...] This story illuminates a larger problem in the generation of instant gratification. Many young people in their 20s today are having trouble in employment due to short attention spans and the need for immediate recognition and advancement. Unfortunately, that's not how the real world works.

[Daniel Indiviglio, The Atlantic]

Mad Minerva said...

Great quote! And too true.