Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pop Culture Commentary: the History of Sci-Fi and Fantasy TV

Check out this fascinating look at the history of science fiction and fantasy in modern TV after the original Star Trek-- plus an awesome graph (which is, nevertheless, not comprehensive -- for instance, I don't see Angel or that guilty pleasure of La Parisenne's and Kamikaze Editor's and mine, Supernatural ! The chart does begin at 1970, so that means I can't slam it for not including The Prisoner.).

Plus, a shout-out to the late, lamented shows Firefly, Farscape, and Kings -- gone all too soon and possibly too creative for their own good where TV execs were concerned. Journeyman was fun too while it lasted, and ditto Day Break and Moonlight.

One thing at least I'll say for sci-fi and fantasy TV: it's a welcome break from the apparently endless tidal wave of horrible "reality shows" and the also apparently endless tidal wave of boring cop/lawyer/doctor shows which seem more or less interchangeable.


Brian J. Dunn said...

Hear, hear. Just hearing about(or seeing commercials about) reality shows grates my nerves--I proudly state I've never watched one.

Doc and lawyer shows are lame to me. And while I admit there was a time I liked cop shows, those days are long past.

And they took Sarah Connor Chronicles away. Now I live on news, football, hockey, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs. (And I've started to watch Angel on fancast--not bad. I'll see if it hooks me)

It's a wasteland out there.

Mad Minerva said...

The last season of "Angel" is my favorite. The Cinema-Mad Sibling is also bummed about the end of "Sarah Connor Chronicles."

Try "Firefly" on DVD (and the film it spawned, "Serenity"). Some truly fresh and intelligent sci fi.