Friday, May 20, 2011

PSA: Fruitcakes On Parade

*facepalm.*  By "fruitcakes" I mean the people claiming that the end of the world is tomorrow (I can't do it then, actually -- I'm all booked up already with laundry and grocery shopping and baking cookies with friends.  How about rescheduling for next Tuesday?  /snark).  Need I remind you:  Please do not judge any creed by its fruitcakes.  Fruitcakes have been predicting the exact timing of the end of the world for millennia.  Note to the fruitcakes: please leave my religion; you make my religion look stupid.  Or at least shut your trap.  As the inimitable Mark Twain did say so astutely, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."  Ugh.  

And for those of you who might be thinking that I'm mean for calling these people out for their wacky predictions: I call things as I see them.  I might be mean, but I do try to be honest.  A fruitcake is a fruitcake is a fruitcake; I don't care what creed that fruitcake happens to be or even if it claims to be a co-religionist.  It's a FRUITCAKE!


Oh, and if the end of the world does occur tomorrow, then I shall eat crow and happily post a retraction, mmmmkay?  Snark-tastic!

UPDATE:  I rather like this playful commentary about the end of the world:
But it would have to be organized for a Saturday, wouldn’t it?  Saturdays are sort of Universal Days Off.  It would make marketing it a lot easier if Harold Camping could crunch the biblical numbers one more time and come up with an apocalypse that coincides with the start of the week, don’t you think?  I don’t know about you, but there have been many Monday mornings when I’ve prayed for the end of the world.  Saturdays, not so much.  On Saturdays, I like to go to the beach.

1 comment:

dea said...

thats so funny picture..
thanks for sharing..