Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Girl Talk: Marriage vs. Personal Achievement

Read this, people!  As for the Forbes ranking of "the world's most powerful women," I thought it was silly in a lot of places.  Michelle Obama may have nice qualities of her own, but badgering the country about eating habits and being the president's arm candy doesn't mean she's more powerful than ladies who in their own right govern countries, run companies and corporations, sit as judges and magistrates, work as doctors and researchers, and so on.  The implication that she's the Most!  Powerful!  Woman!  In!  The!  World!  largely because she's Mrs. Obama is (frankly) kind of insulting.  Are we back to defining women mostly by their husbands?  How ... retrograde.  Well, then, I suppose all of us single ladies are non-entities since we haven't got a man who defines us -- or some cr*p like that.  Pffffft.

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