Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Future Chocolate Apocalypse?



lumpy said...

the other challenge is that cocoa is competing for agricultural space with other commodities like palm oil – which is increasingly in demand for biofuels

So, the greenies really are out to destroy everything fun and tasty in our lives.

Mad Minerva said...

As awesome Aussie Tim Blair said not too long ago, the Greenies' utopian eco-world ("Greentopia"?) would be horrible to live in -- lame electric cars, dim ugly lightbulbs, bad coffee, and now no chocolate?! (Well, no chocolate except for the elite, that is.) Biofuels are a shameful boondoggle.

lumpy said...

I generally oppose illegal trade, but if chocolate becomes rare, well, all I can say is I'll be the guy in the hoodie in the back room, the one everyone who comes to the party goes to see for a minute, if you know what I mean. Don't worry about the .45; it's for those other gangsters down the street looking to steal my stash.

Mad Minerva said...

Good to know, should I be in need of contraband Godivas ...