I stumbled across this hilarious image online, and I simply had to post it because ... well, I think it's mostly true. I even gave you a real-life bit of evidence after the fold. Oh, and you'll recall my previous bit of fashion advice. (What do you think, La Parisienne?)
OK, we *could* keep arguing about whether Bradley Cooper really did deserve to be named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive instead of runner-up Ryan Gosling (NO, OBVIOUSLY), but for the purposes of this post about fashion, let's just note the tailored suits and nice ties on them both, mmmmkay?
Hm, this is old news to ZZ Top fans ...
I'm willing to bet that some of my students don't even know who ZZ Top is. I actually found one kid who didn't know who Sting was!
Sting sang at a local casino recently ... my psyche is still adjusting.
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