Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Netanyahu on Iran's Nuclear Ambitions

A pie-eyed new American president who's rather wobbly on foreign policy and insists on sweet-talking Iran.

A stiff-necked new (again) Israeli prime minister who's neither wobbly nor utopian.

An Iranian mullocracy bent on achieving nuclear capability -- while openly declaring a desire to wipe Israel off the map and not giving a hoot for America no matter who's in charge.

No progress on internationally pressuring Iran to stop its nuclear ambitions.

I suppose this is the predictable result: "Netanyahu to Obama: Stop Iran -- or I Will."

Uh-oh. And I'm pretty darn sure that Netanyahu means what he says and will actually do something if push comes to shove. "Stop Iran -- or I will" isn't as much a threat as a promise. Well, OK, maybe it's a gigantic bluff. But I don't think it's just hot air.

Anyway, expect also a mountain of international criticism to fall on Netanyahu's head for saying what he said -- even as Iran pushes ahead with impunity.

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