Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mark Steyn Dissects Copenhagen ... Plus a MM Rant

Do as I say, not as I do.

Preach it, Mark! Here's a hilarious bit of it:
Even making allowances for the stupidity of youthful idealism, the protesters in the streets of Copenhagen seem especially obtuse. Far from sticking it to the Man, they're cheerleading for the biggest Man of all: they're supporting a new globalized feudalism in which Prince Charles, Prince Al [Gore], Prince Rajendra and others "very high up in climate change" jet around the world at public expense telling the rest of us we need to stay put.

A British parliamentarian recently proposed that everyone be issued with an annual "carbon allowance" that would be drawn down every time he booked a flight, or filled up his car, or bought a washer and dryer instead of beating his laundry on the rocks down by the river with the village women every week. You think the Prince of Wales or any other member of the new global elite will be subject to that "allowance"? If you're young and you fall for this, you're a sap. Indeed, you're oozing so much sap the settled scientists should be measuring your tree rings.
I think these misguided fools can be called "useful idiots." More thoughts here.

Anyway, as the Insta-Prof often says, I'll believe there's a crisis when the people saying that there's a crisis actually behave as though there's a crisis. Copenhagen turned in a traffic jam of private jets and limousines, all of which produced as much carbon as a small country. The oh-so-concerned Gaia-lovers and profiteering climate hustlers could have just stayed home and tele-conferenced, couldn't they? We have the technology for that. But noooooooooooo. There's no publicity and self-congratulatory prancing about for the cameras there.

OK, and one more example, since it's lunchtime and I'm starting to get hungry. Remember how a bunch of eco-fanatics keep howling that we should all stop eating meat because it's bad for the planet or whatever? Well, 10,000 chickens and 5 tons of fish died to feed the enviro-elite at Copenhagen. How "green" is that? The only things sillier than the eco-calyptic predictions spewed by the Green cultists are their utter rampant hypocrisy and total lack of self-awareness. WATERMELONS!

UPDATE 1: Look at this British response: "let’s toast the negotiators of Copenhagen. By failing so spectacularly, they have presented us with a wonderful Christmas present." Cheers!

UPDATE 2: And this about the eco-politicians' contempt for the people:
If you want a "green revolution" – and the evidence suggests that you don't – it must truly be from the bottom up. This Government's strategy – to sneer at the doubters – is doomed, not only because doubt is the cornerstone of democracy but because, on this specific issue, the doubters are in the majority. Copenhagen marked the end of an era: it demonstrated the poverty and self-regard of elite politics, the introspection and self-congratulation of a political class still in love with itself because nobody else will love it. The lesson of 2009, from duck houses to green summits, was that that kind of politics is dead, and a new kind is needed. Any ideas? Meanwhile: Happy Christmas.
UPDATE 3: Schadenfreude alert! Oh, the sweet sound of exploding watermelons! Oh, the bitter tears of our enemies! The whole Kyopenhagen/Nopenhagen/Dopenhagen/Gropenhagen farce might have been worth it just to see the extreme Greenies' temper tantrums at the end. Plus, one of these days I'll maybe write a post about how this whole eco-cult thing is, at its heart of darkness, actually pretty darn inhumane and even flat-out racist -- it's happy to let the developing world stew indefinitely in poverty and toil in the name of Gaia. It might as well come out and say, "Sure, all the First World nations have electricity and sanitation and the basic tech that make life easier, but by golly we can't let you poor Africans/Indians/etc. have such things because that will destroy the earth! So go on living short painful lives of crushing toil and misery, you guys. Here we'll drive our Priuses and drink our soy Fair Trade cappuccinos in a haze of self-congratulatory eco-virtue while you can go on cooking your meager meals over open fires and suffering heat, cold, darkness, disease, and poverty. Gaia's a BEEYOTCH."

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