Sunday, December 13, 2009

What Fresh Hell Is This? -- Killjoy Thermomaniac Watermelons vs. Babies

"Hey, let's limit everyone to one child." Some Canadian watermelon has come up with the latest wild-eyed, power-mad assault on individual liberties in the name of "saving the planet." She actually says that the world needs to copy China. REALLY? OK, it's one thing for watermelons to nag and lecture people to limit having babies of their own free will, but it's entirely another thing to suggest that someone other than the individual decide this. The writer even says that such a policy should be "imposed."

The whole thing reads like a crazy dystopian sci-fi novel. In any other era, such spoutings of crazy would be dismissed as the words of an utter nutter. But in the age of climate change hysteria, it seems right in line with the extreme power grabs that watermelons all seem to dream of.

FYI, you Greenie crackpot: China's been doing that, and it's turned into a mess of oppression and human rights outrages. And China's still polluting away like mad. Plus, the one-child policy is causing a demographic disaster that even the Chinese are acknowledging.

PS: Ever heard of demographics? There's a little detail called "replacement rate."

N.B.: What do I mean by "watermelon"? Loopy enviro-fanatics who are green on the outside, Commie red on the inside, and seedy all the way through. If you listen long enough to the Green fanatics, you'll realize they are all in favor of draconian big-government measures of a totalitarian stripe. Back in the day, the rallying cry was Marxist-Leninist howls about class struggle and such; now it's about "saving the earth." Whatever. The determination to seize power and wield it over the heads of everybody else is still the same desire of totalitarian utopians everywhere.

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