Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Best Blog Post Title of the Day: "Green Man's Burden."

Awesome Aussie Tim Blair strikes again, with apologies to Kipling.

Oops, Tim seems to have taken his cue from another Aussie:

The biggest opponents of a broad, sweeping international agreement aren't business but poor countries because they know they cannot afford the green man's burden.

It is why attempts to get the Indian and Chinese governments to take on significant emissions reduction targets will fail because there's no choice between two weeks of criticism from the 20-strong Australian Youth Climate Coalition delegates, against a lifetime of criticism from the billions of people who have to live with the consequences.

The tragedy of Copenhagen is that the impact of any agreement on the world's poor has largely been lost among the self-indulgent circus caused by rich country green activists who'd rather see themselves on television back home.

UPDATE: See this great combination of green-tinted Kipling and Al Gore eco-poetry!


Anonymous said...

Of course if you want the actual revised Kipling Poem you have to click here.

One sample stanza:

Take up the Green Man’s burden–
And reap his old reward:
The jobs at Boards and NGO,
And make old Berkley proud–
At dinners, conferences and parties
express your deep concern:–
“And oh that private Jet I took…
From Carbon Credits earned!”

Mad Minerva said...

Brilliant! I shall post a link straightaway.