Friday, August 27, 2010

You Disagree with Me, So You Must Be A (Insert Insult Here)

Read this and this, you bitter racist hater you.  As La Parisienne and I have always maintained, in any argument or debate, the first party to say "racist!" (or any "-ist," really) automatically loses.  The first party to say "Nazi!" automatically loses TWICE.  (I suppose that in this ludicrous hyper-politicized environment, I should be happy that once I was called an "oppressor" by a white liberal male.)  But seriously, when people can't argue intelligently about policy and resort to questioning motive, then you know they're on extremely shaky logical ground.  It's like how "compassion" is used to club people into spending money they can't afford.  Still, as the delightful Jon Stewart has pointed out recently, the race card is maxed out.

UPDATE: Quote:
In reductionist terms, the public now accepts that when particular groups fail to win a 51 percent majority on a particular issue, they resort to invoking racism and prejudice ... In short, the bigot card has played itself out and is now not much more than a political ploy to win an argument through calumny when logic and persuasion have failed.
The actual haters often turn out to be the very people making accusations of hate and bigotry. So, since my usual response to these things is to deflate their egos by making fun of them, note the new blog tag, haters gonna hate.

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