Monday, February 21, 2011

Get Schooled: One Teacher's Perspective on the Wisconsin Protests

Read this.  Interesting.  Remember, "teachers' unions" (and their union bosses) are not the same thing as "teachers" or "education."  To oppose the first thing is not the same thing as the opposing the latter two.


cathy said...

This is a great piece. I've read it through twice so far, thinking I'd pick one or two specific lines to celebrate, but I'm finding it difficult to narrow down the possibilities.

Well, OK, maybe this one, as MikeM points out something terrifically basic that many Americans, and certainly the Wisconsin teachers' union members, don't seem to know:

There is no such thing as a “right” to form a union or to engage in anything unions do. It’s a privilege extended, and rescinded, by the voters of any state.

And it is great to see such comments as this post drew -- articulate, reasoned remarks, jam-packed with civil discourse.

I was struck by a line by gronk ( February 21, 2011 07:25 AM) regarding the mind-set, or perhaps mental health, of the members of what he calls the union "hornet's nest":

They believe they MUST win because some component of their psyche has malfunctioned, leaving them incapable of learning from their own mistakes or the mistakes of others. They simply cannot be wrong. Ever. No matter what they do to "defend" themselves. That what makes them so dangerous.

This is serious, kids. Somebody's going to get hurt.

cathy said...

James Nicholas, at What The...?! gives a very thorough examination to ways in which the physicians participating in the lively note-from-the-doctor action at the protests violated their professional responsibilities. Makes a nice "companion" piece.

Mad Minerva said...

Those doctors are committing fraud and should be thoroughly investigated for professional ethics.