Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unrest in Wisconsin

Ann Althouse, a law professor based in Madison, Wisconsin, is right at in the middle of the current uproar over public sector worker unions, the state government, and Wisconsin's budget troubles.  Madison is starting to look like Greece, for goodness sake.  I've been inside the lovely state capitol building before, and it's a whole lot lovelier when it's not jammed with angry protesters.  As for Wisconsin's budget ills, I hate to say this, but it's not alone, and it might be only a matter of time before we see similar public sector worker unions' temper tantrums in other states.  The states are broke.  

UPDATE 1: On the news video footage, I saw multiple protest placards depicting Wisconsin governor Scott Walker as Hitler.  You know what that means: the group using the Hitler accusation automatically loses.  Twice.

UPDATE 2:  An interesting op-ed from the Chicago Tribune, of all places.

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