Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Liberal Cartoonist on the Wisconsin Protests

The protests have turned him off, and he's got the personal integrity to say so.  The whole mess about the public sector unions shouldn't be about Left and Right, liberal and conservative.  I quote from his commentary:
This debate over Gov. Scott Walker's budget bill has been difficult for me. I have progressive values. I believe in gay marriage, I believe in mass transit, I believe in global climate change, I believe in abortion rights, I believe in urban planning and I believe in a single payer health care system. But on the issue of public employee compensation and the role that their unions play in our government, I find myself siding with conservatives. 
I don't have a problem with unions in the private sector. Private sector workers should have a chance to collectively bargain for a greater share of the profits they generate. While public sector workers perform valuable services that make society livable, they don't generate profits for the state government. When public sector unions negotiate, the entity on the other side of the collective bargaining table isn't some greedy corporation, it's us, the taxpayers. 
I believe that public employees should be well compensated for the valuable work they do. In fact, exceptional public employees should be exceptionally compensated (something that most unions have fought against in favor of pay based on seniority). But like the rest of us in this economy public employees need to make sacrifices.
Now here is his fabulous cartoon.  See also this.


Brian J. Dunn said...

While it is nice that a liberal can see that calling for some sacrifice that will still leave the union people in good shape is hardly a death blow, I do find it amusing that the author started out with the leftist version of the Apostles' Creed in stating all the things he believes that mark him as pure of heart and soul.

Mad Minerva said...

I noticed that too -- and laughed out loud.