Thursday, September 13, 2012

Apparently It's "Embassy-Storming Week" In the Annals of "Smart Diplomacy"

Egypt. Libya. Now Yemen.   The news story mentions Tunisia too.  This is insane. And deeply troubling.

UPDATE: It's spreading beyond US embassies to the German and British embassies in Sudan. This means the gentle reader Eric's comment below was right on the money, since he made it before the attacks in Sudan.


Eric said...

The embassy attacks with the justifying pretext of protesting the "Innocence of Muslims" youtube clip aren't only aimed at America. They are a power play to strengthen the Islamists and marginalize the liberals. The Islamists blame the movie on Freedom of Speech, not just America.

You might like this: In Our Middle East choices: autocrats, Islamists, liberals, I expand on the theme of my earlier question to Obama and Romney.

Mad Minerva said...

Yes. Thanks!