Thursday, September 27, 2012

That's My Story and I'm Sticking To It ... Until I Can't Anymore

The WaPo has a detailed timeline of the Obama Administration's statements of the Libya embassy attack.  Read the whole thing.  Here is the remark that kicks off the timeline:
In any kind of confused overseas event, initial reports are often wrong. But the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans were killed, including the ambassador, is a case study of how an administration can carefully keep the focus as long as possible on one storyline — and then turn on a dime when it is no longer tenable.
UPDATE: There's this too.  And this.  OK, I can't help myself.



Eric said...

Re Josh Gershtein's defense of Obama by citing the phrase "acts of terror" ... "acts of genocide" (in Rwanda), anyone? Once again, the Susan Rice - Clinton - Rwanda link rears itself. Publicly seeming to acknowledge a thing but in actuality and legally not.

Mad Minerva said...

Next thing you know politicians will be debating what the actual meaning of "is" is -- whoops, too late!