Monday, June 13, 2011

Have a Steak Already!

This former veggie-vore wants to have his steak and eat it too.  Note the still-annoysome attempt to sound holier-than-thou even though he has abandoned his vegetarianism (for health reasons!  of course -- and I could have told you long ago that being an omnivore is absolutely the way to go for health reasons).  The attempt reads a bit like this: "I eat meat now, but I'm still morally superior to other people who eat meat because I still advocate for animal rights and only eat virtuous expensive grass-fed/free-range meat that practiced yoga and listened to Mozart before I ate it."

Lordy, just shut up and eat the gorram steak already! You don't see the rest of us normal people writing entire essays about how virtuous our eating habits are in comparison to other people's when we're all eating basically the same thing!  Then again, this guy actually did write the following phrase UNIRONICALLY:  "existential perfection is no longer my goal." Are you kidding me?  Only a truly delusionally self-involved person could say such words.  Spare us this pietistic guilt show and just pass the steak sauce.


lp said...

So, everyone else who eats meat is obnoxious?

At least he admits that the vegetarian and vegan diet is not good for you. Still, sacrificing your health is not noble. It is stupid.

Mad Minerva said...

Hear, hear. I am now about to go obnoxiously eat a wagonload of dead animal in my pho.Hey, steak eating snot, see if I give a PHO about your pietastic guilt show!